Special Education Licensure

Standard Special Education Licensure

Candidates who are licensed in regular education, hold a 1-Year License with Stipulations in Special Education, or are currently employed in a school district with a DPI permit to teach are eligible for admission into this program. Successful completion results in certification as a Special Education teacher in Cross Categorical or Early Childhood Special Education.


Licensure By Equivalency

Candidates who are not licensed to teach but have a bachelor’s degree or higher in a related field and have two years of professional work experience may qualify for the “Licensure by Equivalency” program.

Upon successful completion of the program, candidates will be fully licensed as Initial Educators certified in Cross Categorical or Early Childhood Special Education.

Those with a current teaching license
Those without a current teaching license


  Degree Required
Appropriate bachelor's degree (official transcript required) and GPA of 2.5


Not applicable
Experience working with children or young adults


  Test Required
FORT, Praxis II (Middle School Content Knowledge #0146 or 5146, and/or Elementary Education Content Knowledge (5018), & edTPA


  Program of Study
Face-to-face and web-based courses including 20 hours of monitoring.


Evaluated by Program Rubric based on 10 Wisconsin Teaching Standards adapted for Special Education


  Student Teaching
As required by Administrative Rule
One Semester fulltime


  Follow-up Required
Professional Development Plan evaluated by team over 3 to 5 years for five year Professional Educator License
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