Marion School District is Hiring!

02/24/22 12:15 pm

The Marion School District is hiring a full-time English teacher position at Marion Jr/Sr High School for 2022 - 23 school year.  Marion is a 7 – 12 building and currently, this position teaches English 10 and four English 11 and English 12 semester electives.
Marion is a small community in central Wisconsin of about 1,300 people.  Marion Jr/Sr High School has about 180 students (120 in 9 - 12 and 60 in 7 - 8).  Marion is located halfway between Green Bay and Wausua about 3 miles south of Hwy 29.
This posting will be on WECAN by 2/26/2022. If you have any questions, please refer to the WECAN post. 
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