Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some frequently asked questions about the WiscAd program. For other questions or concerns, please contact us here, or at (715) 246-6555.

Q: Is the WiscAd   Program approved by the Department of Public Instruction?

A: WiscAd is a DPI-approved route to administration certification program. Students who successfully complete this licensed based equivalency program will be eligible for one of the following Wisconsin administrator certifications:

  • School Business Administrator
  • Director of Instruction
  • Director of Special Education
  • Principal
  • Superintendent

Q: How does the WiscAd   Program differ from a traditional graduate-level educator preparation program?

A: WiscAd is an accelerated program with most participants completing in 12 months. Students are enrolled in a cohort (who stay with the same classmates) for the first two semesters of program coursework. Classes are offered online to accommodate busy work schedules. If students complete the WiscAd program and are interested in adding on an additional certification, they can complete their second administrative program in two semesters or less.

Q:  Are there separate pathways for each certification area?

A:  WiscAd students are enrolled in a cohort and attend classes during the same weeks. Students apply the topics learned to their own certification area(s) and enjoy learning from others’ perspectives – much like an administrative team!

Q:  Will I need to purchase any textbooks?

A:  The WiscAd program may require books to be purchased and used in class.  These books are normally for a nominal amount and are practical and relevant to the WiscAd certification areas.

Q: How often does the cohort/class meet?

A: The cohort/class meets three times during a semester if choosing the blended program to apply. The cohort/class does not meet during a semester if choosing the online program to apply. Currently, we are only offering the online program. To look for the upcoming schedule refer to the calendar posted on the website.

Blended Program Schedule:

Semester I
3 weekends of face-to-face classes held on Friday night from 6:30 pm-9:30 pm and Saturday 8:00 am - 3:00 pm.

Semester II
3 weekends of face-to-face classes held on Friday night from 6:30 pm-9:30 pm and Saturday 8:00 am - 3:00 pm.

Semester III
Practicum Experience - Students collaborate with a cooperating administrator at a district determined by the student. The administrator must be licensed in the area the student is seeking certification.

Semester IV (Optional)
Practicum Experience for second certification area  - Students collaborate with a cooperating administrator at a district determined by the student. The administrator must be licensed in the area the student is seeking certification.

Attendance is required for the above 6 weekends over the course of two semesters if choosing the blended program to apply.

For the additional licensure program and online program, no face-to-face class sessions are required. 

Q: Where are classes held?

A: Classes for the blended program are held at a  location in central Wisconsin (Stevens Point area). Refer to specific upcoming class schedule information.

Q: Can I start any semester?

A: A new cohort starts every semester (January through April, May through August, and September through December) so classes can are offered three times throughout the year and can be taken in order.

Q: How many graduate credits can I earn?

A: Semester I = 3 graduate credits

Semester II = 3 graduate credits

Semester III = 3 graduate credits

Total  = 9 graduate credits (for one certification)

Optional - Semester IV = 3 graduate credits

Total = 12 graduate credits (for two certification areas)

A: For the additional licensure program, 3 graduate credits per certification from the practicum semester can be earned.

Q: Can I obtain  a Master's Degree?

A: The WiscAd program partners with Saint Mary's University of Minnesota to offer graduate credit. A candidate earns  9  graduate credits for one certification area and 12 graduate credits for two certification areas while in the WiscAd program. A candidate earns 3 graduate credits while in the WiscAd program for additional licensure. Saint Mary's University of Minnesota will automatically transfer up to 12 credits to their 33-credit graduate program. A WiscAd student can complete the WiscAd program for administrator certification and opt to continue on to earn a Master's Degree through Saint Mary's University of Minnesota.  A Master's degree must be completed in order for Educate-WI to endorse a student for an administrative license.

For more information go to:

Q: Do I need a  Master's Degree prior to starting the program?

A: A Master's Degree must be obtained by the end of the WiscAd Program if pursuing certifications in School Business Administration, Principal, Director of Instruction, and/or Director of Special Education and Pupil Services.    If applying for Superintendent certification a  Master's Degree is required prior to starting the WiscAd Program and an Ed Specialist Degree or an equivalency (60 graduate credits) is required at the time of program completion.

If you currently hold a Master's degree (in any field) a second Master's degree is not required to completed the WiscAd program.


Q: Is financial aid available?

A: Financial Aid is available for WiscAd candidates through Saint Mary's University of Minnesota for semesters in which credits are earned. Financial aid comes in the form of a student loan; grants are not available to graduate level students.

Q: Does financial aid from Saint Mary's University of Minnesota go directly to WiscAd  for tuition fees?

A: The WiscAd candidate receives the financial aid refund check from Saint Mary's University of Minnesota and then pays Educate-WI with a check or credit card to pay for tuition. Students are wholly responsible for payment of program fees whether or not they choose to access a student loan.

Q: Can I complete the administrative practicum in the district I am working in?

A: Yes, as long as there is a cooperating administrator who is willing to work with you during your practicum.

Q: When completing the 3 Years of Teaching Verification document in the WiscAd application, can I count my teaching experience under a 1-year License with Stipulations  ?

A:  Yes, DPI counts experience as a teacher while holding a 1-Year License with Stipulations. We would not count teaching experience if someone was working in a public school and not appropriately licensed for their assignment (e.g. licensed as a math teacher, but was teaching English and never applied for a license).

Q: Can I complete the administrative practicum in the summer?

A: Yes.

Q:  What is the prerequisite teaching license for a license in administration?

A:  The prerequisite teaching license  for a license in administration (minus school business manager) requires the educator to hold or is eligible to hold a Tier II (Provisional), Tier III (Lifetime) or Tier IV (Master Educator) license. 

Q:  Can I apply for the WiscAd Program if I only hold an experience based license through DPI?

A:  No. The experience-based license is a Tier I level license, and if this is the only license held, you would NOT be eligible for the administrative licenses because the level of teaching license is not at the appropriate level. The experience-based license always remains at the Tier I level so it is not something someone can move to the Lifetime license level without first doing something more than holding the experience-based license.

Q:  Can I transfer credits from another university and graduate program?

A:  The Educate-WI WiscAd Program is designed for three semesters of 3 classes with specific student learning objectives toward the program outcomes. Transfer credits are not accepted into this program.

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