Career Services for Project Teaching Students


In partnership with Saint Mary's University of Minnesota,  Project Teaching students can access career counseling through the Career Services and Internship Office at Saint Mary's  University of Minnesota.  The Saint Mary's University of Minnesota Career Services Office offers programs, activities, and resources to assist students in preparing for your career after program completion. This includes personal, professional and career counseling, career information, and job placement information.   Go to to learn more about the services offered through Saint Mary's University of Minnesota.

Wisconsin teacher job postings can be accessed at Wisconsin Education Career Access Network (WECAN) or by checking a school district or employment agency's website for employment opportunities specific to that agency or organization.

Project Teaching students are also encouraged to contact the Educate-WI office for specific license-related questions, personal and professional  career counseling and support.  We're here to help you on your path to employment!

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