Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some frequently asked questions about the Project Teaching program. For other questions or concerns, please contact us here, or at (715) 246-6555.

Q:   Is the Project Teaching  Program approved by the Department of Public Instruction?

A:   The Educate-WI Project Teaching program is a DPI-approved alternative route to  teacher certification. 

Q:  What can I expect as far as workload for the Project Teaching Program?

A:  You will complete 10-12  papers over the first two semesters, as well as keeping up with online weekly discussions that take around 60 minutes a week.

Q:  Will I need to purchase any textbooks?

A:  The Project Teaching program may require books to be purchased and used in class.  These books are normally for a nominal amount and are practical and relevant to the Project Teaching certification areas.

Q:   How does the Project Teaching  Program differ from a traditional graduate level educator  preparation program?

A:  Project Teaching is an accelerated program with most participants completing in 12 months. Students are enrolled in a cohort (stay with the same classmates) for the first two semesters of program coursework. Classes are offered on weekends to accommodate busy work schedules.

Q:  If I already have a Wisconsin teaching license, can I add a subject by student teaching through Project Teaching (e.g. You are an elementary teacher in Wisconsin  and want to become certified in art.)

A:  Yes. There is an option for you to apply for either your initial teaching license through the Project Teaching program, or your additional teaching license through the Project Teaching program. 

Saint Mary's University of Minnesota FAQ


Q: How many graduate credits can I earn?

A: Semester I = 3 graduate credits

Semester II = 3 graduate credits

Semester III = 3  graduate credits

Total = 9 graduate credits (for the initial licensure program)

Q: Can I get a Master's Degree?

A: The Project Teaching program partners with Saint Mary's University of Minnesota to offer graduate credit. A candidate earns 9  graduate credits while in the Project Teaching program for initial licensure. Saint Mary's University of Minnesota will automatically transfer the 9 credits to the 33 credit graduate program, so a Project Teaching participant can complete the Project Teaching program and opt to continue on to earn a Master's Degree through Saint Mary's University of Minnesota.

For more information go to:

Q: Is financial aid available?

A: Financial Aid is available for Project Teaching candidates through Saint Mary's University of Minnesota for semesters in which credits are earned.  Financial aid comes in the form of a student loan; grants are not available to graduate level students.

Q: Does financial aid from Saint Mary's University of Minnesota  go directly to Project Teaching  for tuition fees?

A: The Project Teaching candidate receives the financial aid check from Saint Mary's University of Minnesota and then pays Educate-WI with a  check or credit card to pay for tuition. Students are wholly responsible for payment of program fees whether or not they choose to access financial aid.


Testing FAQ


Q: What tests are required to become a regular education teacher?

In order to obtain a teaching license in the regular education shortage areas, Wisconsin DPI requires proficiency in basic skills and  content knowledge  teaching performance.  Please review each area below to understand how proficiency can be met:

Basic Skills - Proficiency  in reading, writing, and math is demonstrated by either:

  • A 2.5 GPA or higher on your bachelor's degree; or
  • An average grade of  C or better in math and writing courses 

Content Knowledge - Students must demonstrate proficiency in content knowledge related to their certification area(s). Proficiency can be demonstrated by either:

  • 3.0 GPA or higher on their Major Equivalency; or
  • Praxis II - Passing scores as established by the State Superintendent on content knowledge exams for the specific certification.

Websites for Info

Praxis II-

Timeline Info

Basic Skills- Must show proficiency in Basic skills before enrolling in the Project Teaching Program

Content Knowledge Proficiency/Praxis II- Must be completed before student teaching (3rd semester) . It is recommended to complete during  Semester II.


Student Teaching FAQ


Q:  I have a full-time job teaching in a school with an 1-Year License with Stipulations. Can Project Teaching help me?

A:  Yes, if you meet the appropriate subject area major equivalency. When you complete all of our requirements, you can student teach while you are working. Your school would appoint a cooperating teacher.

Q:  I am teaching full-time on a 1-Year License with Stipulations while enrolled in  Project Teaching, however, my position only covers one of the age levels (high school) of my desired certification area (middle school - high school). How can you help?

A:  Any alternative plan for student teaching must be approved by our Placement Coordinator ahead of time. (e.g. You teach mathematics in high school as your regular job, but spend your prep time in a middle school classroom.)

Q:    I plan to student teach the next semester after I finish my course work. What must I have completed before Student Teaching?

A:  You must pass the first three semesters of Project Teaching and have all of your required coursework towards your Major Equivalency done before you student teach.

Q:  How late can I wait to student teach after I have completed my course work? Is there a time limit?

A:  You must complete student teaching within two years of your initial semester.

Q: My school district is on Trimesters,  can I student teach for one trimester to meet the requirements?

A: No.  You must student teach full days for a full 18 weeks to meet the requirements.

Q:  How long do I student teach? What if I get sick? What about missing days?

A:  Wisconsin Statute s.118.19(3)(a) states, each student in the program is required to complete student teaching consisting of full days for a full semester for initial licensure, following the daily schedule and semester calendar of the cooperating school.  

Q:  How much time do I need to spend student teaching in the middle school and in the high school during the semester? Is it half & half?

A:  Most placements are one-quarter at high school and one quarter at the middle school in either order. Some placements in the same building or schools, might be morning in the middle school, afternoon in the high school. Other combinations may be possible due to pre-student teaching, but must be decided by Project Teaching. Contact our office for more information.

Q:  My potential certification will be birth to age 21. How do I student teach in elementary school? Is it 18 weeks divided three ways?

A:  This is decided on a student-by-student basis. Alternatives must be approved by the Program Administrator.

Q:  I plan to student teach this coming semester and started the arrangements with Project Teaching. Something has come up and now I can't student teach. Now what?

A:  Contact the Program Administrator.  

Q:  As I student teach, what if I have problems with the cooperating teacher or principal?

A:  Talk to your supervising teacher first. If things can't be solved, contact the Program Administrator.


Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some frequently asked questions about adding on a general education teaching license through the Project Teaching program. For other questions or concerns, please contact us here, or at (715) 246-6555.

Q: Is the additional licensure  program approved by the Department of Public Instruction?

A: The additional licensure program  is a Wisconsin DPI approved alternate route to add a certification to your general education licenses.  This program includes a self-paced online workshop and a student teaching.

Q: Can I earn credits in the additional licensure program?

A: 0 credits can be earned through the additional licensure program.

Q: If I have a substitute license, should I apply to the additional licensure program?

A: If you have a substitute license, you would want to apply to our Project Teaching initial licensure program.

Q: I have already completed student teaching, do I need to complete it again?

A: Yes. The State of WI requires the additional 9 weeks of student teaching for the new certification.

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